Drive Thru Event was a Treat
Trunk or Treat is one of our most successful yearly Outreach events. This year was no different. Even though COVID-19 has played its tricks on us this year, our simplified drive thru event was a treat for our community in this challenging time.
As we planned for the event this year, heeding CDC guidance related to trick or treating, we opted to simplify things. Our guests stayed in their cars as they looped around the parking lot and picked up a hearty bag of candy from our volunteers. We also distributed a pumpkin, pumpkin decorating kit, and a pumpkin prayer sheet to all the kids.
Over all, we served about 60 kids and 35 cars.
Even though our plan was not to have individual cars decorated this year to hand out candy, a few members of the community came prepared anyway, ready to give out treats. We are so grateful our community came out for this event!
Many thanks are in order to those who made this year’s event a success. Karen Cowan organized the event and made sure everything got done smoothly. Countless members of the Outreach Team and others packed treat bags and showed up to pass out candy. Special thank you to our Hanover Fire and Police for helping direct traffic, and for handing out some candy themselves. Thanks also to Famcare Pharmacy and Twister Restaurant for donating candy.
Hope to see you next year! And you’re always welcome to join us throughout the year for the many ways we Go in Service and Grow in Faith at Paris Presbyterian Church.