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Pets, and their Humans, Were Blessed at Annual Event

The Blessing of the Pets has long been an annual tradition at Paris Presbyterian. For this, the event’s eighth year, things were a little bit different. With precautions taken for COVID-19, masks were worn and many blessings happened without anyone leaving their car.

Rev. Dr. Tina Hosler offered the blessing for each of the animals by name, praying for God to bless them and their families with many happy years together.

Dr. Mark Ferris, who in his “retirement” runs the at-home animal euthanasia service Peaceful Goodbyes, was on hand to offer $10 rabies vaccines to cats and dogs alike. Many attendees were grateful for this service and were glad to reconnect with Dr. Ferris.

It was a beautiful day to glorify God for the blessing of our furry friends! Following the example of St. Francis, we remember that all creatures great and small are loved by God. It is our sacred duty to care for them, even as they bless us with companionship.

Blessed are you, Lord God, maker of all living creatures. You called forth fish in the sea, birds in the air and animals on the land. You inspired Saint Francis to call all of them his brothers and sisters. We ask you to bless our beloved pets. By the power of your love, enable them to live according to your purpose. May we always praise you for all your beauty in creation. Amen.

2 Replies to “Pets, and their Humans, Were Blessed at Annual Event”

  1. Patty

    Thank you all for coming out and getting your fury family members rabies vaccine and/or blessing.
    Thank you Dr. Ferris and Mrs Ferris for your time.

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